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Costco vs. Amazon: Which Has the Cheapest AA Batteries?

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Costco vs Amazon: Which Has the Cheapest AA Batteries

Anyone with kids knows that batteries are a necessary item to have on hand.  Doesn’t it seem like kids run on batteries?  I remember when we got a children’s play kitchen for our kids. I think it took 20 batteries for all the little sound effects.  And don’t get me started on remote-controlled cars! These days, the most common use in our house is Xbox and Wii controllers.  

Because we go through our fair share of batteries, I’m always on the lookout for the best deal.  I recently got a Costco membership since there’s a new warehouse opening close to my house and they were offering very attractive deals for new members.  I plan to write more about whether Costco is the best deal on a variety of items.

UPDATE: Check out my latest post about the best AA batteries for more details on the best AA batteries for the money, including run time data!

Today’s focus is AA batteries!  One of my new member perks was a coupon for a free pack of 72 AA batteries.  Free is always going to be the best deal, but I wanted to see if it’s normally a better deal than Amazon, where I’ve usually bought batteries.  Here’s the rundown:

  • Costco was $18.99 for 72 AA batteries, which works out to $0.26/battery
  • Amazon’s best price right now (and we know their prices can change hourly) is a 48 pack of AA AmazonBasics batteries for $13.49 for a one-time purchase ($0.28/battery) or $12.82 for subscribe & save ($0.27/battery) or it can be cheaper if you order in a subscribe & save bundle with 5 or more items.

So who wins?  Costco wins by a hair for a one time purchase, BUT don’t forget the membership cost and the transportation cost of getting to the store.  Amazon will ship them to you for free if you order as subscribe & save, or as part of a order of over $49 in items, or as part of Amazon Prime (which costs $99/year).  If you do not meet one of those criteria you will have to pay shipping, which eliminates much of the cost savings.

Costco is the better deal if you’re already a member and already at the store.  Otherwise, Amazon is a pretty great deal too.  Both are MUCH better than the typical cost at a grocery store of over $0.50/battery.

Where have you found the best prices on AA batteries? Please comment below!

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Wednesday 15th of September 2021

biggest factor missing is that Costco sell Duracell which have about 10% more charge then amazons basics. I would also imagine that Duracell are significantly better than the dollar tree ones at 25 cents a battery. I think grabbing them at costco when they are on sale are probably the best bang for the buck.. and they don't take up alot of space so the Bulk shouldnt be too much of an issue


Saturday 9th of September 2023

@Joe, Kirkland batteries are made by Duracell so I agree much better value. As someone who works for a company that supplies Costco, their standards for the Kirkland brand are higher than the ones we set for our name brand products. I would chose the Kirkland anything over the competition.


Sunday 10th of October 2021


I agree, those dollar store batteries have short life. Also Kirkland brand lasts longer than Duracell or Energizer.

#1 Kirkland #2 Duracell and Energizer and Amazon (These are tie breakers)


Tuesday 15th of May 2018

Dollar Tree is the best place to buy AA and AAA batteries. $1 for a 4pack of alkaline (25 cents per battery no buying in bulk required) or $1 for an 8pack of super heavy duty . Yeah for reals. Boo yah.


Tuesday 20th of December 2022

@Braxton, Those dollar store batteries probably have 20% of the charge, if that, of a legit battery like Costco. Shopping at dollar stores is a tax on the poorly educated peasants. The margins at dollar tree and similar places are good, great even, just not in favor of the consumer. Dollar stores are some of my favorite defensive stocks to buy. Never underestimate the US's capacity for producing stupidity on a massive scale. There's such a thing as economies of scale. If you actually compare what you're actually getting for your money, rather than what you think you're getting, you'd probably never shop there again. Almost anything you buy will be a better deal, usually by quite a lot, at a place like walmart vs dollar tree or dollar general. The only thing about dollar tree or dollar general I'd suggest anyone buy is their stock. Being long American stupidity is always a winning bet.


Tuesday 15th of May 2018

Great tip! Thanks Braxton!

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